Sunday, January 2, 2011

Common Resolutions

The New Year rushes in a smorgasbord of  resolutions we all wish to accomplish for the rest of year. Do you know the most common or frequent wishes we usually make?

10. Move to a new house. People often decide that the new year is the perfect time to relocate. If this is your resolution, start off the year by talking to a broker or developer to get your plan in action.  Being in Housing Loans, this is a good sign for us.  After all, nothing is better than going home to your own.

9. Take a trip. We all have places that we’d love to visit for a vacation or holiday. The new year is the perfect time to to 'abang' for those seat seals, or talk a travel agent or book plans to finally take that trip you’ve always wanted to take.

8. Start a hobby. Whether it’s learning a craft or getting involved with a sport, there’s no better time to take up a new hobby than the start of the new year. Take action by checking online the available resources about your hobby and find out how to get started.

7. Give up bad habits. People often decide to quit smoking or drinking with the start of a new year. Plan ahead and find a way to get started on the right foot with your plans to give up that bad habit.  More importantly, how to stay off of it.

6. Getting organized. The new year is the best time to go through the closets or attic to clear out space and come up with that new  planner you've drowned yourself in coffee with collecting stickers or any organizational system that works for you to stay on track this year.

5. Pursue higher education .  This doesn't have to mean a new degree.  Sort of related to No. 8, there are a lot of short courses you can pursue given you have the time (and the money to spare).  Lots of people never started or finished their higher education. You can start off the year right by calling a local college to find out how to register for new courses.

4. Pay off debt. Nearly everyone is carrying around more debt than necessary. Start the new year with a plan to aggressively pay down any consumer credit debts to be in better shape financially.

3. Find a mate. I will limit this wish to those officially single.  People are always looking for love. Make the new year your year to find that special someone. Spend more time being sociable and put yourself in situations where you might meet someone that you are compatible with.

2. Change jobs. We spend the majority of our time at work. People that aren’t satisfied with their jobs often take the opportunity to look for a new career when the new year starts. Check out some online classified ads to find the job of your dream this year.  Or in my case, suck in some gut and finally go for that big move! 

1. Getting into shape. The number one resolution,  year after year, is to get into better physical condition. More than losing weight, we need to make time to get on a healthy diet and add some exercise to your weekly routine to make this the year you finally take action and get into better shape.  We'll all be happier and live longer.

There you go, the most common  New Year’s resolutions.  I did not set a list for me this year as I decided to spontaneous about it.  Though I a few listed above, I have them lingering at the back of my mind that I pray I can finally achieve this year.  What about you?

Find the resolution that fits in best with your plans for the new year and take action today to make your resolution stick for the entire year.  When 2012  rolls around, you’ll have one less resolution to add to your list and you’ll be making real, measurable progress toward a better life.

with reposts from New Year 2011

1 comment:

Kero said...

Happy New Year, Mommy! May you and your family continue a glorious life.

Thank you so much for the visit!


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