Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Meet edmodo

Busy Boy started using a tablet for their assignments beginning 2nd trimester last school year.  This current year, they moved up a notch by loading in the actual ebooks used in classes.  This prompted us to use a smaller bag since Busy Boy no longer needs to lug about 8 books daily.

Aside from the breakthrough in answering directly from the tablet, LSGH took a step further by introducing Edmodo.

photo from the internet

From Wiki:  Edmodo provides teachers and students a secure place to connect, collaborate and share content. Teachers are also able to post grades, assignments and quizzes to students. Students can submit homework and view their grades and any comments the teacher may have posted about their assignment. Teachers can also create polls and post topics for discussion among the students. Teachers can differentiate and individualize learning through the creation of sub-groups within a course. 

In LSGH's case, the sub-group pertains to the actual sections of the grade level so a teacher can posts for all or to a specific class only.

I love this idea because it looks like a student's own microblog or social networking site - where you can post a status and have threaded comments - only its super school related.  The reminders, tools within the site are specifically designed to monitor homework submission and upcoming tests or activities.

photo from the internet
The site has apps available in IOS or Android and a parent can create his own account.  I decided to force Busy Boy to share his password and username so I can check.  Since the school started using this, some of the announcements are no longer given in school.  All you need to do is log in!  Really cool!

Writing down homework has really come a long way from the time I was in school.  So many new and interesting discoveries.. all aimed to make things easier for the student and parent.   No more worries whether the copied assignment is incomplete.    With so many things to do/complete during the day, we need all the help we can get.

For more details.. please visit Edmodo  here.

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