Saturday, December 22, 2012

Papa's 6th

Finally I get a break from work and relax a little bit with a mini Christmas break. We kickstart our 4 day freedom by attending dawn mass and also commemorate Papa's 6th death anniversary. It was a good feeling to be with family as we remember today. We were all up at 4am that sad day, including, then almost 4 year old Busy Boy.

In the 6 years that Papa has been gone, our lives did continue. But there will always be that moment, when I wish he was still here.  I imagine, what would his retirement been like. What would he have said about stuff.. such as an encounter with Busy Boy, a new book, a trip to Fully Booked, a province to visit, politics, traffic,basketball, the Bible and even, new local artists. There is always that 'I wonder' statement within me.

But reality always has an ugly head to rear. My Papa is no longer here and I could just keep all these in me, until we see each other again. For now, I will learn from the lessons he has taught me and be that daughter he is proud of. For now, I will take care and nurture his grandson, whom he has tried to survive for and keep him alive in a Busy Boy's memories. For now, I will look after my mom and my sister and our home.

In Memoriam
Dr. John A. Batolos
February 14, 1943 - December 22, 2006

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