Saturday, March 15, 2014

Moving Up 2014

We are finally here.

After 7 unforgettable years, highs and lows, of trips and staycations, of projects, homeworks and tests, Busy Boy has finally completed Grade School.



Busy Boy's grade school was comprised of learning and discovering himself. How to relate with other boys, with responsibilities. I may have wanted him to be like me, all reading and study (ehem!) but he's also Dad's son, just play and fun. So, I hope we were able to strike a balance. Being an OC, its hard for me to let the reigns loose but I have to. Or else, I'm setting him up for a more difficult life.   

Its such a bittersweet moment for all of us and I knew I was going to cry at some point during the ceremony. I am happy that all the people that helped me through this were with Dad and I during the occassion. Auntie A, Lola and Nanuy C.



So we will take a break from school for the next 3 months, before we embark on a new journey - middle school. But that's a whole different post.

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